72-Hour Florida Real Estate Broker’s Guide +Exam Qbank
Florida Real Estate Broker's Guide + Real Estate Qbank for Brokers Package
This Package Includes: Florida Real Estate Broker‘s Guide 72-Hour Online Course Florida Real Estate Broker Drill and Practice QBank
Florida Real Estate Broker‘s Guide 72-Hour Online Course: This course is designed to meet the 72–hour education requirement for broker candidates. This new version conforms to the Florida Real Estate Broker Course Syllabus effective January 1, 2017 and builds on the knowledge you’ve gained during your career. You’ll get helpful information about owning and managing a broker office, including business plans, budgets, and profit and loss statements, as well as be challenged by completing sample closing statement case studies that reflect state license broker exam questions using the Closing Disclosure.
Florida Real Estate Broker Drill and Practice QBank: This exam prep QBank will prepare you to pass your real estate licensing exam. This Qbank will give you the power to simulate nearly every test environment imaginable, from licensing exams to customizing quizzes according to topics and subtopics. You can use the performance tracker to pinpoint problem areas as well as indicate how you stack up with other students in Florida. The QBank contains hundreds of questions on national and Florida-specific topics all designed to prepare you to pass your exam.